Sunday, January 11, 2009

Being 22

For me being 22 means school. I think for my brother, Brendan, being 22 will be a lot more invigorating. Today he turns 22 years old. With having a brother 3 and half years younger than me I can remember our early years being full of fighting, yelling, kicking, and throwing things at one another. It was completely the opposite of what you call love and I wouldn't even go to say that it was just siblings doing what they do best. Times have turned in the most positive of directions. I am thrilled to say that we now talk on the phone, hang out together, and love each other like siblings should with the occasional disagreement. I couldn't imagine life without my little brother who everyone thinks is my older brother (his size and beard throw people off). He is handsome, sweet, caring, smart, friendly and all the other things that come with being a good brother.


What am I going to do with them?

Throwing up the 22. Tuck can't even remember being 22!

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