Saturday, July 6, 2013

9 Months

Cash has made so many developmental leaps in the past month! He has had a growth spurt and went through a developmental leap called a Wonder Week where his little brain learns to sort different things into catagories. It has been a rough month on us all. Right after he turned 8 months he got another cold (I didn't know a nose could run that much) an he broke his second bottom tooth (his right). He crawls every where and his favorite game is catch the cats. He has won a couple of times. Words he now says: dada, kitty cat, hi, truck, duck, yuck, all done, that, dog. He thinks he meows and barks at cats and dogs but it's just a high pitched screech sure to send any animal running. Things he loves: airplanes, boats, walks, his blanket, giving loves, beards, eating eggs (well, eating in general), and picking anything up off the floor to taste (hence the use of the word yuck). Now the summer is full fledged we are at the beach everyday, playing in the sand and water. Luckily, Cash has mommy's skin type and has a beautiful beach baby glow. He truly is my little beach bum.

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