Friday, March 6, 2009

Ice Chips

Warning: Ice Chips are frequently mistaken for snow at Mountain High.

Last weekend Tucker and I drove over to Mt. High Resort and found that the "snow" is more like chips of ice blown the previous night on the snow blower. I personally don't recommend the place unless it has recently snowed. They give you ice chips and make you play a version of Frogger (because of the exuberant amount of newbies sitting on their sore bums) and expect me to have a blast.

Tucker would like to leave a disclaimer: "Okay its not fresh pow pow...but Taras 'Ice Chips' aren't so bad once it warms up and especially if your working little jibs and park jumps around the resort (I hit the middle quads for the first time too:). I mean your in the desert right, so you can't expect too much and it also doesn't hurt when your riding at discount too....thx MadMikey. Last time it snowed Brendan and I went night boarding and did catch some really rare and nice snow in Wrightwood. It might not have been the best snow that day, but it was incredible out, the air was fresh, sun shining and I was with my baby on top of a mountain, c'mon. ya know."

Sorry for the lack of fun pictures. I always forget to bring my camera on the slopes.

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