Saturday, August 1, 2009

Final Letters for July

Micheal Jackson,
Sorry dude! It looks like everyone's just out to profit from you after all. I still feel sorry for your children even after your death. Cool songs that will get me through a fun night doesn't make up for the alleged child molestation charges against you and the accounts you suffered as a child.

Farrah Fawcett,
You are beautiful, brave and strong. Thank you for being a rock in the cancer fight that we still suffer from here on earth.

Please keep raising. I heard that you are the highest percentage July increase since 2002. Something has got to pull us out of this economic crisis and we can't rely it in the hands of people who just keep complaining about the President of the United States' job performance.

Ramon Cortines,
I dislike you now more than ever. I dislike knowing that I don't have a classroom to go back to in September. I feel overpowered by a large bureaucratic business that you call a school district. I know I will survive because I have a wonderful husband, friends and family that pick me up after a bad day. Does your personal chauffeur do that for you?

Lovingly and Sincerely,
Sitting in a Tree

Happy Birthday Garrett! We love you! I'm sorry I still can't get the Japan/US time zones right:( Just move back soon so we can just say "happy birthday" in person.

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