Monday, July 13, 2009

Chicken Chasing

We were lucky enough to get a visit from the Snow's today. It's amazing how fast children grow up and we decided tonight that we want to be the favorite aunt and uncle (sorry everyone Tucker has found some new bribing techniques).
Cannon has such an amazing intellect that is far beyond his years. He chased the chickens in the coop and caught several of them with his bare hands and strategic thinking.
Roman is so charming with his contagious smile. I think I'm getting closer to the little man's heart bic-a-boo by bic-a-boo and tickle by tickle. He loved Tucker from the day they arrived calling "Cuker, Cuker" around grandma and grandpa's house.

My favorite part of my day today is when we were at CPK for dinner. Cannon and I were in the middle of coloring right before dinner arrived at the table. Cannon stopped and layed down on my lap. I asked, "Are you tired buddy?" And he responds, "No Tara, I just want to cuddle with you a little bit."
My heart melted in my chest and made me realize how excited I am for them to move back home in the near future.


Erin C said...

OH how fun!! I bet the boys had a blast!

d said...

You have such great pictures! The boys had so much fun they keep naming every animal they see Luna. They are lucky to have the two of you, and I think you have more than won over Ro. I am hoping that his fever will break and we will be able to play again soon!

Danielle said...

so cute.