Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Mommy & Me Swim Lessons

Swim lessons finally!
I used to take our friend's kid to swim lessons at this place and would long (sob uncontrollably and long) for the day when I could take my own child to swim lessons. The mommies and babies were so cute bobbing up and down, singing songs, and twirling round (it was visual torture really). Now I'm that mommy!!! I know it sounds sooooo STUPID but my dreams came true!
Cash was a champ, like always. He was in awe at his surroundings and very overwhelmed at the sights and sounds. It was his first time going under water and floating. I was waiting for the tears when he came up from under water and the water drained out of his nose. But no tears, just a few shocked blinks like, "what the hell did you just do that for?" Curious, calm, collective, smiley, and alert....that's my Cashie pants.

1 comment:

d said...

how unbelievably adorable!!! Oh Cash baby you are such a champ with a babe for a mom!