Wednesday, February 6, 2013

4 Months

This little miracle of ours turned 4 months. We are currently in the midst of his first cold and my first cold as a mommy. The humidifier, snot sucker and essential oils have really helped ease his cough and runny nose. Being a mommy to a sick baby is hard but being a sick mommy with a sick baby is even harder.
Cash has refined his grasping skills, rolls over from tummy to back, sits comfortably in the Bumbo, is a drool machine (we found some lifefactory teethers that he loves, he talks up a storm, still only takes 30 min snoozes and rarely takes long naps, and is starting to be a real cuddle bug.
Life is full. We are blessed.

1 comment:

Erin C said...

4 months looks so good on that boy!!