Monday, May 7, 2012

The Announcment

3 years of infertility has made our bond an unshakable, unbreakable one. Although I hear our story is one of the fates of many married couples so desperately wanting to start a family we kept it a secret from most of our family and friends. Up until today I've gone back and forth on whether to share this bit of our personal lives on Sitting in a Tree, but unfortunately I know that there are other couples who have or may go through our same plight. After almost exactly 3 years of unexplained infertility, countless tests and doctors' appointments, 2 failed infertility treatments, a 14 day infertility juice detox, and years of tears, let down, and hopelessness I'm elated that it's finally my day to say....
IT'S A BOY!!!!


d said...

Not just any boy- A CANNON boy, those are the best!!! YAYAYAYAY this is one HAPPY Auntie! We love you guys, all three of you!

Erin C said...

Couldn't be more excited for this announcement, and for the arrival of the newest Cannon boy! Love you guys so much