Sunday, February 28, 2010

IF I HAD A HUNDRED... expressed by 2nd graders.

This is a compilation of the best fill in the blank answers to a "If I Had a Hundred..." worksheet for the 100th day of school.

1. If I had 100 dollars I would... buy a limousine.

2. If I had 100 pencils I would... sharpen them all.

3. If I had 100 eyes I would... blink a lot!

4. If I had 100 legs I would... kick everyone on accident.

5. If I had 100 sisters I would... run away.

6. If I had 100 moms I would... make them clean.

7. If I had 100 mosquito bites I would... have no more blood.

8. If I had 100 friends I would... have a large playdate.

9. If I had meatballs I would... eat them all in 5 minutes.

10. If I had 100 hearts I would... be happy.

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