Thursday, October 22, 2009

"The night Max wore his wolf suit he made mischief of one kind... and another."

I have the book memorized, I read it to my students and I will read it to my future kids. It is a story that everyone can relate to. Fun, mischief, adventure, imagination, and taming our biggest fears.
The new PG movie, Where the Wild Things Are, is not for kids. It is a story about a troubled boy who needs an escape from is torn apart life. The story is so deeply emotional and terribly disturbing which leads kids to think the story is sad, scary and even boring. The little girl behind us in the movie theater, who couldn't have been older than 5, kept asking her parents, "is the movie over yet?" The score is complied songs by Arcade Fire and the imagery/cinematography was wonderfully done.
Kids should only have access to the book Where the Wild Things Are, the movie will ruin the grace and journey of the book.

1 comment:

d said...

good to know, good to know.