Monday, September 1, 2008

Knowing Someone After They've Left Us

Grampa Bud Slagle passed away 8/27/08 after being in and out of the hospital since January. We flew up to SLC on Sunday with Erin and Hadyn and met mom, dad, Griff and the rest of the Slagle family and friends. As I looked at the pictures creatively placed at the funeral home during the viewing I couldn't help but smile. Bud led a beautiful life and raised a wonderful family, the pictures of him and Grandma were absolutely priceless. Then, during the funeral I finally got to know Grandpa Bud. It wasn't when Steph and her sisters shared their stories about their father, it happened when one by one his beautiful grandchildren stood up in front of friends and family. They shared their fond memories about who was the favorite grandchild, the places he had taken them, the quirky sayings made for each grandkid, and I felt their genuine tears of sorrow that celebrated the life of their grandfather. Tuck went up to represent the Cannon family and thanked his grandfather for showing him true family values that he will continue carrying on.

Thank you, we love you Grampa Bud.

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