Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Easter Bunny Came!

Even though we were at grandma and grandpa's the Easter Bunny knew we were not at home. Clever bunny rabbit!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Wee Lil' Irishman

Cash's name is more Irish than he is. None the less, he will always be reminded of the Irish family that came before him to create this fine specimen of a human he is and will become.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday Funday Baby Style

'Sunday Funday' has the sweetest new meaning for Tuck and me. A little chubby boy is now always in tow and makes our Sundays better than they ever were before. I don't even remember what life without him was like.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

5 Months

Cash has been pretty adamant about not napping and waking frequently at night. We are trying sleep is hard on us both to say the least. We still have nothing to show for it.

Our little chubba lubba is whispering at 20lbs' ear asking to be let in. He has grown an inch this past month keeping in the 90th percentile. As far as developmental leaps he now sits up on his own for minutes at a time, he rolls really well from back to front, he practices new sounds but still loves to use gaga when talking, he loves looking into his toy bin and pulling out the toy that looks most interesting to him, the best new development is his wanting cuddles by burying his head into my shoulder and holding on tightly to my arm.