Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Story of My Life

Los Angeles Unified School District called my cell phone a couple weeks ago.

The message said, "My name is "so and so" from Local District 2. I'm calling to let you know that your job number is up for immediate rehire. There are several openings at our schools. If you are interested in employment call me back at blah blah blah as soon as possible."

I was sitting in my car, jaw open, eyes wide. I closed my eyes took a deep breath, and a huge grin came across my face. Of course, LAUSD calls to hire me back...... I was just getting used to this stay at home, house cleaning, dinner cooking, laundry doing wife that I have turned into. I just signed up at YogaWorks, I just decided that every girl deserves to get her nails done at least once every couple weeks, I just found happiness in contentment.

So, what did I do?

I called so and so, got transferred to the Local District 8 (LAUSD is so huge it is separated into GINORMOUS sub districts) office because it is the closest Local District to our new home. The guy over at Local District 8 gave me two pros and two cons. Pros: 1) There are schools that are looking for teachers immediately. 2) I am number 25 in the "pool" of swimming (treading) teachers waiting for the phone call that I just got. Cons: 1) If I haven't been offered a position at a school by the time my job number comes up I will be placed at any school with an opening. 2) If my number comes up or I decline a job offer this opportunity for rehire will never be offered again and ultimately I get kicked to the LAUSD curb for the last time.

So, what did I do?

I researched the names of the schools I was given by the Local District 8 guy, talked it over with Tucker, slept on it. A school called Normont Elementary wanted me to interview (not wanting to look bad) and I said yes, thank you. I didn't want to work there. I called the school where I wanted to work, Point Fermin Marine Science Magnet, faxed over my resume, the principal called me back an hour later wanting me to come in for an interview, an interview sooner than the school I didn't want to work for.

I went to the interview thinking 1) if I don't get an offer, I really don't want to go back to work anyway 2) if I do get an offer I'll have a feeling if it is or isn't the right fit at this point in my life.

I guess I nailed it because they offered me a job on the spot.

I said yes.

It's 3rd grade. My classroom has a wall of windows with an ocean view of the Long Beach Harbor. (<- that pretty much sealed the deal.)

But, the best part of the whole deal is that when I walk out of Point Fermin Magnet tomorrow afternoon I will be a permanent LAUSD teacher. No more layoffs, no more getting kicked to the LAUSD curb.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Good Bye Christmas

Grandma Castronova has the most Christmas decorations that I have ever seen. Each year we put up and take down her monstrous collection of snowmen, lights, ornaments, Snow Village houses, snowglobes, poinsettias, poinsettias in pots, bells, large red ribbons, wreaths, stands of holly, candles, angels, and porcelain statues. I'm missing a few categories, but let's admit that you get the idea.

Since these two days a year are such a task we just simply throw up and tear down with no method, then high five when it's done. This year we decided that enough is enough, bought tubberwear bins, took hours, and categorized and organized ALL of grandma's Christmas decor.


Ahhh! Much better!

Because of this master organizing session we will hopefully have an easier time putting up and taking down grandma's decorations for her favorite time of year.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Brendan's Birthday

My little brother turned 24 on January 11th.

To celebrate this momentous day mom and dad treated us to a Yamato dinner.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

8 Years in the Making

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Year 7

Year 8

There are so many memories and so many pictures of all our adventures. One picture of each year doesn't even sum up what we have been through. That's why I'm going to start a "Before the Blog" posting, just so I can archive the past mischief of our lives together. 

Anyone want to take a guess as to where all these pictures were taken? 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Baby Funk 2 is on Her Way

Our great friends, Kim & Dustin Funk, are expecting baby number two on February 11th.

But before Baby Mallory Funk's arrival, as girls do, we celebrated with a Shower.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year

We celebrated the ball drop and promptly went to sleep. The older we get the more difficult it is to stay up past our bedtime.

None the less, we are more than excited for the New Year. Tucker is still recovering from his Achilles surgery and I am still hard at work being a serving wife. He plans to return to work next week, a couple of days a week with me as his chauffeur. And I plan to get back to my tutoring as soon Tucker is 98% (which is what the Doc says will be his range of motion with full recovery). 

Bryon & Ashley Yamamoto came to visit us on the first day of the new year. I toured them around the peninsula on the bikes, while Tucker sat at home, leg elevated, envying our ride.  

first sunset of the new year

This new year has begun so beautifully and we, here at Sitting in a Tree, have so much to look forward to in 2011, continuing to archive all the hub-bub of the Cannons. Happy New Year!